
Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004
4:33 p.m.

I had a dream last night that I had this baby early. And it was a girl! Surprise! She was nice & chubby and I nursed her and we were both happy. All was good. The next morning, I forgot and gave her pizza for breakfast. (What kind of mother was I?) Later in the day, I tried to nurse her again and she refused. Then I looked down at her and she was realllllllly long and realllllllly skinny. Oh, she was so ugly, too...she looked like a weasel.

Today, at PetSmart, we saw an missing sign for the Little Girl! Her name is Missy! It's so nice to finally have a name for her! Greg called the number and talked to Missy's mommy. The woman, Beth, came over to pick her up just now. It turns out the dog got out the very morning that we found her. She and the dog she was running around with had just moved here from Arkansas and were accustomed to running around in the woods. The other dog finally made it home, but not Missy. Well, obviously, since she was with us. It was nice to finally find her home! There was a little girl who really missed her dog. It was cute! I guess that's why Missy liked Star so much. I'm sure she slept with the little girl and just continued the custom here with us.

This weekend, Greg and I have been such homebodies! We haven't done a damn thing! This morning, we watched weird documentaries on the Sundance channel. One was about people who want to be amputees. It's a weird body-dysmorphic disorder called Body Integrity Identity Disorder. The documentary is called Whole. Weird fucking stuff. Then we watched another about men who want to be eunuchs. Weird fucking shit. This documentary is called American Eunuchs. Yeah, check out the documentaries on the Sundance channel.

Greg has been a very attentive husband all weekend. He mentioned on Friday afternoon that we haven't been touching each other enough and I had to agree. So, we've been very conscientious to give each other lots of rubs and scratches. Geez, I make us sound like a couple of grizzly bears! Well, maybe sometimes we are. We preen each other, too. I think we're just following human nature...we both thrive on the power of touch.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga