
Monday, Nov. 29, 2004
6:13 p.m.

I had my midwife appointment today. The glucose screening test came back negative. Hooray! However, it was on the high end of normal, so my midwife said to lay off the refined sugars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I met the new Student Nurse, Tonia, and I looooove her. She's probably about 40 and about my size and very personable. She said she has to attend 40 births, which should put her into February, so she'll probably be there for my labor. Yaaaay!

Also, my blood pressure is still normal (110/60, I think)'s better than it was when I was 18! My iron levels are normal. Baby's heartbeat sounds good. I'm measuring 34 cm, even though I'm 31 weeks. But I've been measuring large the whole time, so 34 cm is probably normal for me.

On Wednesday, I have a meeting set up to interview a pediatrician. How scary, huh? And on Friday, I will meet with our HR lady to discuss my FMLA and Short Term Disability (company pays 60% after all sick time is exhausted...and that includes maternity leave!). It feels like stuff is really happening...FINALLY!

Daphne the dog, AKA Daffodil, AKA Fartsy (OK, my name for her) is doing well. She has not peed or pooped in the house since that first morning. And today, when Greg got home from work, he let her out and he said she peed and pooped outside. Hooray!

Oh, and my sister...the crazy one I told you about...sent an e-mail to me, my 2 brothers, my sister, and my Maryland parents about her moving to Elkton. But she didn't include our Indiana parents, so I forwarded it to them. My dad feels sooooo hurt, because she never shares anything about her life with him. He doesn't say this to me, but my stepmom does. I talked to her today and we pretty much bitched about my sister...we both love her a lot, but she drives us crazy! She has such horrible interpersonal communication skills. We just want to know what's going on in her life. I mean, I always let my parents know because I know they care about me and want to know what I'm doing. In fact, there are times when I think I overburden them with information...but they never complain. I'm so mad at sister because she's making our dad feel like shit. Yeah, I'm the daddy's girl, but it's not like he ever ignored her or anything. In fact, I think she got more attention because she needed it. URGH! Don't fuck around with my dad like that!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga