Belly Button

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004
6:50 p.m.

Every day, it seems to be something new with this pregnancy! The top part of my belly button has popped out, but the bottom is still an innie. What the hell? The top little piece that just popped out is soooooo sensitive. Who knew that the skin way inside your belly button would be like brand-new skin, even after 28 years?

Falcon was active all day long today. I swear, I don't think he took a break. He had hiccups about four times. And at one point this afternoon, we was moving around so much that I was distracted from the work I was doing. Like, I just could not concentrate with gymnastics going on in my belly.

I can only eat a little bit at a time or else I get heartburn. I had SUCH bad heartburn last night. It was horrible!!! Thank goodness Greg stocks up on antacids. Otherwise, I'd be miserable.

This morning, I woke up at 6 to pee. Once I crawled back into bed, Greg scratched my head until I fell back to sleep. Oh, that's my secret "get to sleep" thing. Scratch my head and I'm out within seconds! What a good hubby! So, I had a dream that I was trying to have sex with Greg, with him lying on the floor and me stradling him. Then this girl who was about 4 or so walked in and needed me, her mommy, to brush her hair. She had blond hair and it was ALL OVER THE PLACE. She had so much hair, as if she really were my daughter! You know, because I have a ton of really thick hair and all. So, once I brushed her out and got her in order, then a boy needed me, his mommy. He was about 6 or so and he was pretty tall but really skinny. Of course, there are some skinny genes on my side (not that I got any), so maybe my kids will be skinny? That was a pretty cool dream...

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga