
Saturday, Nov. 06, 2004
6:44 p.m.

Greg & I just got back from seeing the movie, Saw. Oh, yeah! It was a great movie! Don't see it if:
1. You're a kid (it's so NOT for kids, duh)
2. You're squeamish (lots of blood & gore)
3. You're a moron (it was not just a thriller, but also a mystery)

It's got a great ending and you're going to want to see it again.

Some things I really HATE about the movie theater and why I only go about once a year:

1. The seats are very uncomfortable. Especially when the person sitting next to you is using up all of his available space and you're pregnant and you cannot sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time.

2. The sound is on too loud. I think my eardrums were bleeding. Really. And through all 14 or 89 trailers, Falcon was going nuts in my belly, because he kept hearing loud noises! So, movie theaters, please...turn the volume down a little. If my growing fetus can hear it, then it's too fucking loud.

3. Certain segments of the population (you know who they are) like to talk very loud while a movie is playing. Here's what I say to you folks: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to watch a movie and you are fucking ruining it! Plus, they laugh at totally the wrong time! Like, this guy in the movie said, "I'm going to kill you, motherfucker" and they all burst out laughing. Maybe because that's what Grandma sounds like when she gets drunk? Who knows? Just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!

4. I cannot stand when people get to the movie after the starting time, which is really still 10 minutes before the actual movie starts, because you have to watch all the commercials and trailers. But the theater is still really dark. So these latecomers stumble around, trying to find a seat, in the dark, and the whole time, you're praying they don't sit next to you, because you're totally comfortable the way you are now and maybe they should be on time! I hate when people aren't on time. Now, I do understand when you have little kids or toddlers, things happen. But that was no one's excuse at this movie. The only kid in the theater was a newborn baby that some woman decided to bring. Maybe she was nursing, because that baby stayed quiet throughout the entire movie. Oh, and it's not like the movie is playing at the same theater 30 minutes after the one we saw! Are you 10 minutes late? Well, you're really 20 minutes early for the next showing. How about you go to the next one and not annoy me by trying to find your seat in the dark?!?!?!?!

Whew! Now I need to go find some dinner.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga