Third Trimester

Monday, Nov. 01, 2004
6:30 p.m.

Ugh! I just wrote a whole entry and lost it. I hate when that happens!

Anyway, I am now in my third trimester. I know some books/websites count it as week 27 and some count it as week 28. I'll go with the earlier date. Yeah. Last night, one of my neighbors kept looking at my belly and finally she was like, "Are you pregnant?" She was sooo afraid she was being rude. Isn't that funny?

My belly button is still an innie! Maybe it will stay that way. My friend, Stacy, is 24 weeks pregnant and she described hers as being the size and shape of a flat nickel. Ew! Mine is nothing like that. It's a little divot that I can stick my pinky finger in. I have a very very very faint linea nigra, but starts at my belly button and goes up. I don't think I have one below the belly button...I'm not sure, though, since I can't see down there very well anymore.

Star seriously made out with trick-or-treating. She got TONS of candy and some of it was full-size candy bars. And she got no crappy candy whatsoever. On the way to drop her off with her other mom, we let her eat as much candy as she wanted. I was driving and Greg was in the passenger seat, asking her every few minutes, "What do you want next, sugar or chocolate?" So, I'm sure she was a tired, sugar-filled little brat. Bwahahahahaha! Never mind her other mom cannot control her even when she is not acting up.

I tried to start my nanowrimo novel. So far, I have 166 words. I don't think I'll hit the 50,000 mark by the end of the month.

Oh, I love when Falcon kicks me in the evening. He's doing it right now. Well, I think he's rolling around more than kicking. Sometimes, my belly looks much fuller on one side that the other, like he's lying just on one side. Plus, that side is a lot harder than the other and it feels heavier to me, too. That happens a lot went I lay on my left side and then roll onto my back (for the about 3 minutes that's comfortable!).

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga