Midwife Appointment

Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004
1:12 p.m.

Have you ever tried to pee in a cup when you haven't seen your crotch in two months? Jeez! I had my midwife appointment this morning. When I get there, I have to pee in a cup and then stick a little piece of paper in to check for glucose and protein in my urine. This little ritual went well for the first 6 months. But, today, I had to stick the cup under me and pray my aim was good; there's no way to see around this belly or these boobs! I peed in the cup. And all over my hand. Yuck. But, good news: glucose is still negative and protein is still at a trace (which it's been since my first appointment at 8 weeks).

My weight now is 240 pounds. Oh my fucking god!!! I gained 9 pounds in the past 5 weeks!!! Holy fuck!!! Oh, but back when I was fat, I weighed more than I weigh now. I just want to be under 200...I was 180 for awhile about a year and a half ago and I looked damn good. In fact, Greg thought I was too skinny.

Anyway, my midwife was sooooo not worried about the weight. She was like, "Okay." Also, my belly measures 29 centimeters. The average for this stage of my pregnancy is 26 cm, so it's a little bit bigger than normal. But I had a belly before I got knocked up and I'm a little bigger than the average woman. So, not a big deal. Midwife wasn't concerned about that, either.

My blood pressure is still awesome!!! I feel like I've been so lucky with that. I have had great bp this entire pregnancy! I think today, it was 120/60 or thereabouts.

When she listened to Falcon's heartbeat, he kept moving around. Goofy guy. Last night, Greg was lying his head on my belly, just resting, not even talking. And Falcon kicked me really hard about 8 or 10 times. Kind of like, "Hey, Daddy, I know that's you. What's up?" Greg had his arm draped over my belly, so he felt all the kicking. It was pretty cool. This baby loves when Daddy is around; it's so cool.

I also asked the midwife about what classes I am required to take from them. Their book says I have to take a "Realities of Labor" class. But she said it was on hold and I don't have to take it. Whew! Not that I don't know the realities of labor, anyway. Also, I talked to her about having Star at the birth and does she need to take a sibling preparation class? Nope, not to have a baby at the birth center. We just need to make sure there's an adult (not mom or dad) who is reponsible for her and to bring stuff for her in case she gets bored (toys, videos, books). Well, duh. We're going to ask Greg's sister to do that. Well, and also be at the birth. We're also going to invite his mom and my mom. Oh, and my teenage sister. Both of our moms will be great, almost like doulas, I think. So I'm not going to hire a professional doula; instead, I'll use the moms. Of course, doulas don't have to be professionals; they can be your sister or your friend or your mom. So, it's cool. I'm inviting my sister because I like the idea of birth being a woman-focused tradition. I saw her birth, but since she's the youngest, she really hasn't had as much exposure to childbirth.

Guess what! Greg and I actually agree about politics right now. He's so much more conservative than I am. But I think we're both in the "anyone but Bush" camp. Kerry seems to be the lesser of two evils and with politics, that's about as much as I can hope for, right?

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga