My Lover and My Soul Mate

Saturday, Oct. 23, 2004
8:17 a.m.

Yep, Greg and are I are definitely made up now. He got off work yesterday around 2, I got off around 3 (my trainees' boss let them go early, so I left right along with them!). Once I got home, it was crazy for about 2 when we were first dating. I had missed him so much; I know how life always gets in the way of those close feelings. I'm grateful that my husband is my best friend, but I really miss that feeling that he's my lover and my soul mate. So, we got it back last night. And then I took him out to dinner.

I was so tired last night. I went to sleep at 9 PM and I just got up, around 8 AM. I had so many weird dreams, as often happens when I'm trying to catch up on sleep.

This morning is so frosty. I about froze my butt off when I let the dogs out to pee. I love mornings like this. I was so sick of the hot & sticky of summer (which, in Maryland, lasts until early October). We haven't turned the heat on yet. But at work, the heat has been on for two fucking weeks. What are they trying to do to me?!?!?!? It is so fucking hot in that building all the time!!! Plus, my desk is right under a huge heat vent. Argh!!!! But I'm in one of the training rooms all day every day until the Friday after Halloween, so that's better. I think once I move back to my regular desk, I'll tape some cardboard or paper or somthing over that heating vent. It's just unbearable.

I don't know what our plans are for the weekend. We don't have Star (which always sucks), but I guess that gives us more time for lovemaking all over the house?

I have spent so much more time thinking about moving to Indianapolis. I'll miss my friends (who I never see anyway), my family (who I see monthly, at most), and my co-worker friends (who I see daily). I'll probably miss crabs. And mild winters. And very relaxed religious mores (maybe I should call that religious acceptance).

But I'll be moving with my husband and child(ren). Plus, I'll have parents, sisters, and more family out there. And I have been missing the cornfields for 17 years, so it will be nice to be closer to them (some people like the ocean, some people like the mountains, I like the cornfields). The pace of life is so much slower, which I will really love. I have felt "rush, rush, rush" for the past 10 years. I want to slow down and I'm finding it impossible to do around here! I want to get away from certain people with huge chips on their shoulders (it's not my fault slavery happened!).

Oh, wow. Falcon just started kicking me really hard. OK, son, good morning to you, too! Now I'm off to take a shower & wake up hubby...

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga