2005 Benefits

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004
12:30 p.m.

Sleep and I have an uneasy truce. Sure, sleep lets me in during the first 4 or 5 hours. But, then I'm awake. And I'm hungry. And I have to pee. And Falcon is kicking me. So I pee and try to get Falcon back to sleep (but I don't eat...the kitchen is just too far away). And I try to go back to sleep. It seems so impossible. But, I've found that if I try for an hour and stick an extra pillow between my legs and lay very very still in one position, sleep will eventually let me in. Repeat every three hours.

Here is my new favorite house in Indianapolis. It's only $119,900!!! I could so afford that! And then some!!!

Yesterday at work was our new 2005 benefits meeting. Oh, my God, our new benefits suck monkey balls! We have a $250 deductible per person (family max of $750), then 10% coinsurance for most services. PCP visits are $15 and specialist visits are $30. Of course, it IS a nationwide PPO BCBS network, so pretty much every single fucking doctor in the country will be in network. That's little consolation when I look at the $250 deductible. I'm going to put Star on my policy starting on January 1. Since we'll be adding Falcon once he's born, adding her would cost me no extra money in premiums. Once you hit 3 family members, you can keep adding kids and it doesn't cost any more. The funny thing is that Star has Medicaid/CHIPS coverage and if she gets Commercial coverage, it may affect her eligibility for Medicaid. I don't care one way or the other, because that was all determined by her other mother's (non)income. But, what WOULD be funny is if Star lost the coverage, Stupid Misty would have to pay her $250 deductible! Hahahahahahahaha! I have been laughing so hard about that since yesterday. And who would say I'm being a bad step-mom? Um, I'm adding her to my health insurance, hello? Plus, I hate having the state pay for her medical care when Greg and I are perfectly capable of taking care of it. Greg was court-ordered to add her to his health insurance coverage through his employer, but his employer doesn't offer it. So it's almost like I'm fulfilling that legal obligation, too. (Yeah, I know the courts won't see it that way, but he only has to add her IF his employer offers it!) So now I have to find a PCP for Falcon. I need to find someone who will agree to see him 48 hours after he's born, because a Pediatrician won't see him in the hospital, since I'm having him at the birthing center. If I don't get a letter signed by a pediatrician, the midwives won't let me deliver in the center! Plus, I want to find a pediatrician who supports long-term breastfeeding and other Attachment Parenting things. Of course, my PCP (and Greg's) is in Family Practice, so she could see all of us! Yeah! That would be great! I wonder how she feels about baby issues? I only know what she thinks about high blood pressure and triglycerides!

Since Star's other mom had her baby about 3 weeks ago, Star has been THE MOST pleasant child! I think her other mom has stopped babying her so much and has sort of ignored her, not on purpose, just when you have a new baby, older kids get ignored. So her other mom is FINALLY treating her like a 4-year-old and giving her a decent level of independence (like we've been doing for, like, forever). And Star is doing really well by it! She's not as bratty or snively or whiney as she used to be. It's great! Last night, I found some song samples on Amazon.com and I was playing Bob Marley for her and she danced all around the dining room. "Play another one, Mommy!" "Hey, we have this song!!!" Then, Greg & I thought of other artists to expose her to...Heart (mommy & daddy), Korn (daddy), Rob Zombie (mommy). As long as it's music, she wants to dance. I think my youngest sister was like that when she was 4, too!

Now I am home for the afternoon (my second half-day of the week). I think I'll do some laundry and clean the kitchen. Or just play on the internet all day. One of those two...

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga