I Hate Baltimore

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2004
2:26 p.m.

This week, instead of taking off on Wednesday, I'm working half a day on Tuesday and half a day on Thursday. So, I am home now and my trainees are working hard by themselves. They really don't need me anyway. They're doing fine.

I'm having trouble sleeping at night and it's getting worse. Falcon woke up this morning at 5:30 and kicked me awake. Of course, I got up to pee (that's an automatic response now). Once I got back in bed, I could not get comfy again. In fact, I woke up Greg because I was so whiney. He turned on the air conditioner for me, since I was hot, and then he rubbed my belly. I felt bad for waking him up, so I scratched his beard and his hair, hoping to get him back to sleep. No such luck. His alarm went off and neither one of us had gone back to sleep. I think I did fall asleep for about 5 minutes in between snooze alarms. So, I got up this morning with a raging headache. My headaches have all but disappeared since I got pregnant, so I was ill-prepared for this one. Ugh! How did I cope with them before? I barely remember.

I found that we can afford a brand new 4-bedroom house in Indianapolis. Tell me how crazy that is! I found one that's only $130,000! And that's brand spanking new! It makes me so angry and frustrated with the housing market in Maryland. Everything is so fucking expensive. That same house would cost about $350,000-$400,000 here. Jeez! I'm so tired of Baltimore! There are too many people here, there's too much traffic, everything costs too much. I may as well just give up on ever becoming a homeowner, because it's just not possible here!!! I fucking hate this place. I'm so over it.

I just want to crawl into bed right now.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga