My In-Laws are Fuckheads

Monday, Oct. 11, 2004
9:45 a.m.

I'm such an e-Bay junkie! I spent all day yesterday playing on e-Bay. Plus, I talked on the phone for 40 minutes with Stacy while we both e-Bay surfed. Argh! Oh, this bitch outbid me at the last second on a Medela Breast Pump. It was the something something Advanced, which retails for $320. I thought I had it with my $75.00 bid. Well, really, I thought I was going to get it for $71.00, since it hadn't even hit my max yet. But at the last second, she bid $76.00. Oh!!!! And the seller was from a town in Maryland about a half hour away. I could have saved all shipping costs and just picked it up!!! That's OK, there's another breast pump on the horizon.

What I did win last night:

1. another pair of maternity overalls; I want to be cool like my overall-wearing husband

2. a black Motherwear nursing dress

Yesterday evening, Greg and I went over to his sister's house for his (and my, I guess) niece's birthday. My brother-in-law had been drinking all day and then kept dropping the following into the conversation: "Well, I'm the only one paying the bills around here" or some variant. Finally, my mother-in-law had had enough and very politely (because that's the only way she speaks) told him that it was getting old. He got pissed, stormed upstairs, broke the railing, and made my 12-year-old-niece cry. Back around June, my sister-in-law got fired because some of her employees were commiting an illegal act. Though she didn't know about it, the corporate thought was that she should have known about it and they fired her. Around the same time, she got in a car accident and totaled their new SUV. So, she has been looking for a new job and I agree that it's been awhile & she should have found something by now. I can understand my brother-in-law's frustration, but choosing his daughter's birthday party to vent was not a very good decision. Greg has such an amazing relationship with his niece and his nephew. He and the niece stayed in the kitchen, hugging, for several minutes. I think they both look up to him as a father figure (maybe in the same way that my cousins looked up to my dad because their dads were such assholes?).

Later on, my nephew said, out of the blue, "So, Uncle Greg, who are you voting for?" Oh, you clueless son of a bitch! What the fuck are you doing, bringing up politics at a family function? Greg was great; he was like, "Well, I'm really torn. I can't quite decide." So, then my father-in-law, mother-in-law, and MIL's best friend start into how evil and bad Kerry is. And how he did so many bad things. Then BIL's parents heard the conversation and just had to bring up the whole right to bear arms issue. Why is it every time I see them, they want to talk about guns? Give it a fucking rest, you old motherfuckers! Maybe we should all bear arms so we could shoot whiney old people like you! Argh!!! Oh, and BIL's mother is so weird; I've never quite figured her out. She was bitching about how she doesn't like tattoos, how they look trashy, etc. And then she said, "Many years ago, I dated a man who had a tattoo on his thing." What?!?!?!?!?! I think she's fucking psycho. No, really, I think she was a hard-core partier until she met her husband and she calmed down, since he's a minister and they go to church about 8 thousand times a week. I hate talking politics with family; really, the only person I'll discuss it with is Greg. My parents are too liberal for me and his parents are too conservative for me. He's too conservative for me, too, but we agree to disagree.

Today I have the day off in lieu of Wednesday. I had to switch around my days because we're going to have three training classes on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. So, Retardo can't cover my class, since she'll already be covering the other class. Fun, huh? So, I'm extremely well-rested now. But it's going to be a shitty week. I have to work 4 days in a row. Ugh! Oh, but my free pregnancy massage is tomorrow night!!!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga