What happened to my body?

Saturday, Oct. 09, 2004
11:46 a.m.

This body doesn't belong to me anymore. What happened to MY body and who am I trapped inside?

For the past few weeks, my nose has been a booger factory (a term which elicits 4-year-old giggles). I swear, I could pick my nose all day long and it would still be full. Often, I can't even breathe through my nose because it's so congested. Multiple times during the day, I have to plan when I can escape to the bathroom to really blow my nose. I've read this is common during pregnancy, but this is really getting goofy. Enough with the booger making!

My ankles are still a little swollen from time to time. But now I make sure to sit with my feet up and drink more water. They're doing a lot better now.

Constipation. I think it's Nature's way of preparing me for childbirth. So much pushing and groaning just to poop! Jeez!!! I'm so afraid of developing hemorrhoids, though. So I don't push too hard. The though of grape-like clusters hanging out of my ass is just a little too much to bear.

My balance is strangely out of whack now. Like my center of gravity changes on a weekly basis and it takes me about a week to figure out where it has gone. I can usually walk fine. But god help those around me if I'm carrying anything. I find that I can't carry a box or a basket full of laundry down the stairs, while I also have this belly. I feel like an accident waiting to happen. And never mind the fact that both dogs have to walk right in front of me while I walk down the stairs, carrying a laundry basket full of 2 loads of dirty clothes. I know they want to be near me and protect me, but at least they could walk behind me! Oh, and Odin could NOT stand right where I'm about to drop the laundry basket. Geez! He deserved me yelling at him for being such a stupid fuck!!!

Oh, and navigating through cramped spaces with the belly has gotten weird. I've encountered a few instances where I thought I could get through and then I get stuck because of the belly! So, I don't even trust myself anymore. If it even looks tight, I just freeze and assume I can't make it. I'm mortitifed by the thought of bopping somebody on the head with my belly!

Yesterday, my upper lip was tingly and then it felt like it started to grow. Oh, no! I have a cold sore. Yuck!!! Greg hates them and makes fun of me for getting them, since they are a strand of the herpes virus! Dunh, dunh, dunh. I've had the virus since I was two years old, when my mom, my sister, and I passed it around between each other. I still sucked my thumb, so I apparently had a cold sore on my mouth and one on my thumb. My sister was still breastfeeding, so she had one (or some) on her mouth and my poor mother had one on her breast! Could you imagine! So, over the years, my sister has gotten a cold sore every year or so, but I never did. Until I was about 22. Now I get one about every two years (although I think I had one last winter, too), usually when I'm both sick and tired. Now I guess pregnancy + tired also qualifies. It's usually a sign to me to take better care of myself. But I thought I was already! Maybe I just need to quit my job. It feels like the external stress all comes from there. Like, everything needs to be done immediately! But management and IT won't do what they need to do. I just don't give a fuck anymore. If stuff doesn't get done, I don't care. I'm now putting forth the minimal effort to do my job and not get fired.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga