Stupid Misty in Labor

Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004
1:26 p.m.

Last night, around 8:00, Stupid Misty called. Her water had broken and she wanted Star to come home so that she could attend the delivery. That was fine, since she & Greg had agreed to that ahead of time. So, I got Star changed, hair brushed, told her the good news. She was so cute and excited!!! But the goofy part is that Stupid Misty was in labor for four days with Star. No, wait, not just in labor, but at the hospital for four days. Last night, she was 50% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated. So Greg was thinking, "You want me to drop off Star at the hospital in the morning and let her get a good night's sleep?" No, SM didn't want that, and that was OK with us, because we wouldn't be the ones dealing with a tired child! So, I doubt if SM has even had this baby yet, 17 hours later. And I'm sure Star is crabby and has been for hours, either with or without a nap. SM acts like she hasn't had a baby before. Don't go to the hospital at the first sign of labor, stupid, unless you want guaranteed intervention!!! Geez, at least wait until you hit the "serious" transition stage (can you tell I've been reading Bradley literature?). Most hospitals have that 12-hour countdown. So, if you want as long as possible to give birth naturally, go to the hospital as late as possible. DUH!!!! Ugh, it's women like her who do not educate themselves about childbirth that guarantee crappy medical care for the majority of women.

(Steps off soapbox...)

I dreamed last night that Stupid Misty had a baby who weighed three pounds, six ounces and he was mentally retarded. I also dreamed that I was stuck in a snowstorm in Fort Scott, Kansas. Go figure. But I only woke up once in the middle of the night, at 1 AM. I was alone in our room. I peed, then wandered around the house, looking for others. Both dogs were sleeping in Star's room in her bed. (Since she never sleeps in it, they have commandeered the bed and sleep in it all the time.) Greg was asleep, naked, on the living room couch. I woke him up and told him to come upstairs. I don't like when Greg sleeps in other places besides our bed. Bob used to sleep all night on the couch when he was using heroin (as I've pieced together after the fact), so couch-sleeping has a really negative connotation to me. Greg did come straight to bed, though. I tucked him in and we cuddled up together.

Out internet has been on & off in the past 24 hours again. I called Comcast at 10 this morning and did not have to wait on hold at all!!!!! The entire call took only 3 minutes, 4 seconds! So, there's a tip. If you need to call Comcast, call early Sunday morning. By early, I mean anytime on Sunday morning. So, some line tech is scheduled to come out tomorrow evening.

My mother-in-law called today and said she had a box of clothes for Star, as well as some books. Woohoo! She wanted to see Star today, too, but that's not happening. So we'll probably stop over later in the week.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga