First and Last

Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004
3:33 p.m.

First kiss:

When I was 14, with my soon-to-be first boyfriend, Ben. We were lying on the floor in his bedroom. He said I was a really good kisser and he couldn't believe I'd never kissed anyone before. Gosh, I sound like I'm 14 again!

First real kiss:

See above. My first kiss was my first real kiss. All frenchy tongues and everything.

First job:

When I was in Girl Scouts as a teenager (no, it wasn't dorky by then...we just raised money and then went camping or to the beach or other fun stuff), we worked food stands at the Naval Academy. Oh, that was sooo many sexy midshipmen. One time, I ran into the Mid that I had fucked a few months prior. It was weird! My first paying job was for McDonald's. I think I stayed for about 2 weeks.

First screen name:

Oh, my gosh! Who knows? Wait!!! It was mystical!!! It was when I was 18 & got to college. I had to pick an e-mail address. This was the fall of '94, so there were still a lot of names available.

First self purchased album:

I'm sure it was a B-52's album. I was so crazy about them when I was 14.

First funeral:

I had several when I was a kid that I don't remember. The first I remember was my great-grandmother's when I was 10. I couldn't remember her very well. The first that ever affected me was my grandmother's when I was 12. That was baaaaaaad. I still miss her, 16 years later.

First pets:

I had a dog named Joy, who died when I was 5. A few years later, we got an orange tabby named Orange Julius (you know, like the drink). He ran away when I was 10, though.

First piercing:

My ears, when I was 10. I was sooooo excited, because I had proved to my mom that I was mature enough to take care of them. Therefore, I was allowed to get them pierced. That was great!!!

First true love:

Matt. I think I loved him from the time I was 14 until I was almost 18. Wow, my entire teenage years revolved around him. Even after we split up (read: HE DUMPED ME), I still pined for him. Plus, I fucked him on several occasions during the few years after we broke up. Now he just feels like my brother.

First big trip:

I went to Florida (from Indiana) when I was 3. With my mom, my sister (who was 2), and my great-aunt.

Last big car ride:

In May, I had to drive from the Kansas City airport to Fort Scott. And back again.

Last kiss:

About 15 minutes ago, when my husband refilled my glass of water.

Last good cry:

It's been awhile. For me, pregnancy sometimes makes me cry, but it's because I'm tired or hungry or uncomfortable. Not really because I'm sad. Oh, wait, Greg and I had a big fight a couple months ago. I had a good cry then.

Last phone call:

This morning, calling Comcast.

Last TV show watched:

Football is on in the other room.

Last CD played:

Limp Bizkit, in my car.

Last item bought:

Groceries, this morning.

Last disappointment:

Internet is down AGAIN!

Last ice cream eaten:

Strawberry ice cream, right after I put the groceries away this morning.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga