
Saturday, Oct. 02, 2004
3:41 p.m.

Wow. Comcast sucks again. Out internet has been on and off, like almost all week. I was trying to update Thursday and Friday nights. But no internet. A tech guy was supposed to come out Friday night but, lo and behold, it was working again! Once it stops working, I will call them again, wait on hold for the requisite 24+ minutes, and request that someone comes out to check the line. And I'll make him come out whether or not it's working. This is just getting really fucking annoying. I hate, though, being tied into the be home for 3-5 straight hours, just waiting for someone to show up. Ugh. And it's not like I can hop in the shower or take a nap, because then I'll miss the knock on the door. Ugh!

Last night, we had dinner at Quizno's with star. Mmmmm...tasty. I know, I sound like their commercials but I really love the turkey bacon guacamole. Oh, guacamole, I could eat it every day. Then we went to Babies R Us and bought a huge pregnancy pillow for $50. Fifty dollars!!! I slept with it last night. It's OK for about half the night and is comfy, but I can't believe I spent $50!!! It better be worth it in the next few months. Oh, and it doesn't keep me asleep. I still woke up the normal three times in the middle of the night. The first time, I had a horrible dream than Odin (my dog) had been mangled and died and someone left his carcass in my car. In fact, there were two dead Odin carcasses. In my dream, I screamed and screamed and screamed until I woke up. I came downstairs and saw Odin, alive and well, nuzzled him, kissed my husband (who was still up), nuzzled Odin again, and then went back to bed. I think Greg thought I was being really strange.

Today, we took Star to the Renaissance Festival, even though her mom took her last week. I don't think her mom knew we had this planned about a month ago, but sometimes it gets really frustrating. It felt like she wanted to be "cool mom" and take Star to do fun stuff. Oh, and I've heard some rumors of trouble afoot at Star's other house. Her other mom is about 36/37 weeks pregnant and the boyfriend, Troll, is rarely ever there. Apparently, he's been on several "extended trips" lately. Plus, he's rarely there when either Greg or both of us stop by to pick her up and drop her off (which is 5:30, 6:00, and 8:00 PM...a time when most parents are home from work, especially the 8:00). I think Troll is very unhappy with the poor choice he made in a "woman". She's just a lazy fucking slob. I cannot believe that Nature would allow her to have not one, but two, children. She's one person who SHOULD NOT reproduce!!!!! She's a shitty mother, too, in my opinion. Star is a little brat most of the time. She's sassy and whiney and needs some boundaries. Ugh. I can't believe her mom doesn't give her limits. Fucking idiot. Thank goodness Star has one parent who is not an absolute waste of human skin.

Anyway, I didn't really mean to bitch about Greg's ex-wife. I do that enough to his face.

My right ankle now seems to be in a constant state of swelling. I have so much trouble getting it un-swollen. It is sooo ugly! I haven't been sleeping well most of this week. Like, I wake up several times a night and sometimes I just can't get back to sleep. On Thursday night, I woke up and so did Greg. I couldn't get comfortable and he rubbed my back and my butt for half and hour. Then we were both a little horny, so we had yummy pregnancy sex. Afterwards, both of us fell right back to sleep. Sometimes nookie is the trick!!!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga