
Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004
9:36 p.m.

Yesterday, at Ren Fest, we stopped by a beekeeper's shop(pe?). Greg got two jars of buckwheat (dark and yummy) and one orange blossom (light and really sweet). I also got peppermint lip balm and peppermint body cream. Both are so yummy and I love them!

Today, I got Greg hooked up with online poker and he spent about 3 hours playing online poker (with pretend money, of course!!!). What a cutie!

Want to guess when the baby will be born? Go here: expectnet and go to game "mistyandgreg". Yep, pregnancy is eating up all of my brain cells! I've also found on this one pregnancy board that I frequent that I'm not the only one. I swear, I think some of the mommies minds are turning to mush. I hope that doesn't happen to me!!!!!!!

Falcon has been so active all day long!!! I think he did somersaults earlier right on my bladder. It was great, really. For about an hour, he was moving around and putting all of his weight on my lower right side. I tried to push him up higher, but he did NOT want to move! So I got up and walked around...that always gets him to simmer down. I've read walking makes babies (at least the ones still in the womb!) go back to sleep.

Oh, there he goes again with the somersaulting!!!

No word yet on Stupid Misty's birth...

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga