Kick, kick, kick

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004
7:18 a.m.

Have you guys seen this new Refrigerator with TV combo??? Is this the stupidest, most wrong thing you have ever seen in your life? Let's take the two worst things about Americans and combine them into one! None only will people sit around and watch TV, but they will do it in front of the refrigerator!!! Let's combine eating and not exercising into one activity, great for the whole family! Ugh.

Yesterday, I trained all day long. When I got home, my throat was so sore and I could not get enough to drink. We had all three trainers in one room together. The other knowlegable trainer piped in when I forgot something, and I loved that!!! Dipshit head was supposed to be there observing. I don't think she did much observing and she kept piping in, too, but with incorrect information!!! If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, then shut up!!! Plus, she's really patronizing to people and she started to patronize the new trainees and I didn't want them to get started with the wrong attitude. That's why she's not allowed to train at all right now...she has horrible people skills. Trainees have quit because she's such a bad trainer! [I know you're asking yourself, why doesn't she just get fired? Due to bureaucratic bullshit, she has to be written up first, which I think she is, then fail again within a certain timeframe. Or succeed and she can stay. Oh, it's so much drama. I'm not really sure, though, because I've never even come close to being written up.] At this end of this week, the class splits in two. I get 4 people and Other Knowlegable Trainer gets three. Plus, the bad trainer. Hahahahahaha! I'm looking forward to it, because I like having a class that's mine. The other two trainers are either too serious or too stupidandmean.

It seems that every day, Falcon's movements feel stronger and stronger. Yesterday, I felt him for about twice as long as just two days before. And this morning, I had my hand on my belly, saying good morning and he gave me a couple of great whallops! Like, they felt more like legs kicking than muted movements in my belly. It's great!!! Oh, and last night, I laid down in bed on my belly with all of my pillows piled around. I miss laying on my belly sooo much! This pillow fortress I built to lay upon is a poor comparison to the real thing. Anyway, once I laid down, it was kick, kick, kick, shift, move around, kick, kick, kick, for, like 15 minutes. I guess he doesn't like when mommy lays on top of him!!! LOL!

Since I have the day off again, I think I'll swing down to Babies R Us and get that maternity pillow. I really want it now. Two or three weeks ago, we were there and Greg tried to buy it for me. I scoffed at him, saying I didn't need it until my third trimester. I'm an idiot! How wrong was I? As soon as I said that, Falcon started with his growth spurt. AAAAAA! So now I really want the pillow. I snore so badly now when I lay on my back. Plus, sometimes my toes go numb. So, I'm stuck with left side versus right side. Some nights, like last night, I could not get comfortable. I woke up at 11, 2, and 5. Bleh.

Also, I saw that Fashion Bug (which is about 3 blocks away from my house) is having a sale. And they have maternity clothes! I need some more jeans and I really want a pair of overalls, so I might check that out today. If they don't have what I want, I may just head over to Old Navy. They have really cute overalls!!! I want to try them on, though, because I don't trut that my boobs will stay inside the bib.

Yep, and I'll probably do chores today. What fun!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga