My Big Oops!

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2004
6:52 p.m.

Oh, my gosh!!! I feel like I really got away with something. On Tuesday, I headed a conference call with Jane, who works for our company, and the entire staff of Company X, who we outsource work to. So, when I first called in, only Jane was on the line. She lives several states away and I really miss working with her. She was MY trainer 5 years ago, after all. So we talked about babies and Stacy and the fact that Stacy's husband is Bob's brother. And she knows all the shit I went through with Bob. And then I said, "Hey, did you hear they're getting rid of Company X?" And THEN someone piped in and said, "You know, we can hear you."




I was mortified!!!!!!!!!

So I just tried to push on, make a little other smalltalk, and get the meeting started.

So, Tuesday night and last night, I laid in bed, thinking, "I'm going to get fired. I let something really big slip out. Oh my fucking God."

Back to work today. Boss said nothing all day, even though we had two meetings together and she was at my desk at about 7:57 to bitch about our Big Client (they are SUCH a pain in the ass, right Nikki?).

But, this afternoon, as an aside, she said, "Big Boss told me yesterday that the manager at Company X said one of the trainers told them we were ending their contract." AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I told my boss the truth and then said I was moritifed, I knew better, I'd been stressing about it for two days, and all that. And she didn't yell at me or anything! She just told me about a similar experience that had happened to her! What??? Not only am I not fired, I didn't even get into trouble.

By the way, Big Boss managed to sidestep the issue, dance around it, etc. I happened to make the comment around the same time that we decreased their workload. So, thank goodness for Big Boss! She's new in our office and I was fighting her at first, but now she has MY loyalty!

Oh, and I think Boss is being really nice to me lately because I'm pregnant. I used to be so on the ball and I was her right hand woman. Now I've got my head lost in the clouds most of the time. Being pregnant is really distracting!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga