Four Parents

Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003
4:16 p.m.

Here's something that's odd about having four parents: I end up with qualities from all of them. Even the ones that aren't my biological parents. I'm most like my dad...I have his charm, his stubborness, his ego. My step-mother said he's a lot to handle, but the rewards are immense. I think Greg agrees with that in regards to me. From my mom, I got my hippie-dippy streak. I'm all about natural birth, family bed, breast feeding, hugging, maintaining relationships with people. From my step-father, I picked up acceptance of all people, liberalism, etc. And from my step-mother: caring for my own (own kids, own nieces, own sisters, whatever), wrapping gifts, and dressing well (not like a fashion plate or anything...just always looking nice).

And it turns out - after realizing some things now that I'm an adult - that my step-parents were the ones who were more permissive, who let me get away with more. That trip to Rehoboth Beach in junior year of high school (with Carrie, Fritz, et al) mom was in no way going to let me go. Do you know why I got to go? Because my step-dad convinced her that it was an appropriate thing for a 16-year-old. Yeah. And I didn't get into any trouble that weekend, so he was right! Now he's giving Greg free legal advice about the Star & Evil Misty situation. How much does he rock?

And, now, my step-mom gives me tons of clothes - the clothes that she was going to give away to Goodwill. I'm skinnier than her, but taller, so we're close to the same size (plus, all of the three sisters on that side are waaaaay skinnier). Most of the clothes are brand-new (she loves to shop, so she's always getting new clothes & getting rid of the old ones) and they're really nice for work. When I wear them to work, I look like one of the serious employees (the kind that wants to advance her career, rather than hang out in her present job forever).

This was a stream of thought entry. I had no idea where it was going to go. And now Greg is like, "Do you ladies want pot roast now or at 6:00?" Um, now!!!

Oh, yeah. I updated my bio page last night. Well, pretty much re-wrote it.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga