Awesome things about the weekend

Monday, Apr. 28, 2003
5:44 p.m.

1. Getting a new king-sized bed for $250!

2. Pizza for dinner. With sausage & pepperoni...yummmmmm....

3. Finally getting the waterbed drained.

4. Doing chores outside with Star while the weather is beautiful.

5. Watching Star be a puppy and eat Ricky's dog food & drink from his water bowl.

6. Buying new sheets at Target, on clearance!!!

7. Not being at work.

8. Getting my period (good because that means no babies yet).

9. Cuddling with Star while reading a book. And when that book is done, her saying, "More!" and getting another book.

10. Playing in the mud & feeling like I'm 7 years old again. I was a clean & adult-ish child, so me playing in the mud is really taking a stick and poking around with it. Then moving leaves around & creating stories in my head about miniature civilizations.

11. Christening a new bed.

12. Sunday breakfast at Double T, follwed by grocery shopping. And getting home by 10:30 AM.

13. Hearing from tattoo lady Sara. Twice.

14. Hearing Chris making fun of Evil Misty.

15. Hearing Chris making fun of Steven.

16. Deciding to buy little boxes of raisins for Star and then realizing that she loves them. Yaaaay!

17. My 2 honeys taking a nap together.

18. Watching The Ring with Greg on Friday night & then getting scared to walk by the TV.

19. Turning on the TV on Saturday and getting the bejesus scared out of me because The Ring is still in the Playstation & the intro loop is still playing. And then laughing at myself because I got so frightened by a movie.

20. Spending lots of time with my honeys.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga