I love spring!

Monday, Mar. 24, 2003
7:57 a.m.

Here are some wonderful things about this past weekend and the fact that it is now spring:

1. The strawberries at the grocery store are now ripe. Greg & I bought some (2 32 ounce containers!!!) and ate one whole container yesterday. Strawberries are my #1 favorite food, which rocks. But it also means my birthday is around the corner. Pretty fortuitous that my favorite fruit season and my birthday coincide, eh?

2. I went to Michael's (the craft store) yesterday morning, just to look around. I ended up spending $43. I bought: a container for organizing beads, 2 rolls of hemp twine, 2 packages of hippie clay beads, 3 packages of hematite beads, 2 packages of wooden beads (some tubes & the others round beads with a simple design carved on the side), and a huge organizer full of assorted glass beads. I organized all of my existing beads in my new organizer & then I rainbow-ized all of the glass beads. I love to feel beads in my hands...it was so exciting, buying more supplies & spending most of the day handling my new purchases.

3. Chris installed a screen door downstairs. Saturday night, while Greg and I were taking Star home, Ricky ripped a hole in the screen and walked inside. Hahahahaha! So yesterday morning, we had to stop at Home Depot and get new screen. Greg installed it & then wasn't happy with it, since he's a crazy perfectionist (hmmmm...maybe worse than me? not possible!), but I think it looks great. So we had most of the windows in the house opened for most of the weekend. It was lovely!

4. Evil Misty got fired from her job! She had only worked there for 3 weeks. And one of those weeks she wasn't there because Star was sick. She claims that she was fired because Star was too disruptive (which I find hard to believe). It's probably because Evil Misty is such an insanely incompenent waste of space!

5. Greg & I cut (and when I say cut, I mean trimmed) each other's hair yesterday afternoon. It was so nice, because I haven't had my hair trimmed since last summer (before I started this diary, I think!). And I trimmed his hair & then shaved up under his hairline. He has these weird hairs that won't grow longer than an inch. So you can't pull them up into a ponytail or a braid...they just sit there & do nothing!

6. Library day was Saturday morning. I love library day! In fact, we went a week early this time around. Greg checked out The Poisonwod Bible on his own! That was weird, since I've read it twice & really like it, but I never told him about it!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga