Time Warp

Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003
4:02 p.m.

Is it just me or has this been the LOOOOOOOOONGEST day in the history of...well, at least the past 26 years? I feel like I've been stuck at work for a week! I'm caught in this horrible "time moves so slooooooowly" time warp. Yeah, I got a ton of things accomplished, but that's because time was at a virtual standstill! ARGH!!!!!!!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga