Mr. Basket & Cheez-Its

Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003
10:14 a.m.

The Mr. Basket debacle is in full swing. Not that I've been home very much in the past 24 hours. Yeah, just read about it.

My boss is in a great mood today & gave me wonderful constructive criticism on a policy I wrote. It was nice...I appreciate it. I don't get silly or weepy...she's my boss...she's supposed to give me feedback! Plus, she also used to be in the position I am in now. So she knows what my job is like. The first policy I wrote was horrid...she reviewed is so many times, I had so many rewrites, etc. This time around, I wrote 2 policies(they're related & needed to be written together) and she said one was great & ready to go and on the other one, she just said I should add a section, describing system codes. Well, that's easy and very minor! I'm feeling pretty good about my writing...well, at least my work writing. I'm a technical writer at heart, which works great for my job, but I still have almost no creativity and my creative writing sucks ass. Oh, well. I can't be good at everything!

Note to everyone: HIPAA sucks ass.

I called Beth last night & her brother said she was talking to the kids (either her kids or his girlfriend, I'm not sure which!) & he'd tell her I called. I haven't heard from her again & now I feel like I'm being a little overbearing. Trying to weasel into her life too much? In reality, I feel like I'm a teenager again & constantly unsure of where I stand with her. I hate this feeling...I thought I was done with this years ago!!! Grrrrr...

I'm convinced that Cheez-Its have crack in them. No, really. I'm eating them as I type and I can't eat just one, just two, just twenty. Must. Eat. Entire. Box. In. One. Sitting. It's the marriage of two glorious tastes. Salty. Cheesy. Salty. Cheesy. How can you go wrong?

Another food item. I love winter for the clementines. I have a whole crate of them sitting on my desk. So easy to peel. So yummy. What a wonderful winter snack!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga