Baby Shower

Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004
9:36 a.m.

My sister-in-law threw my non-work baby shower yesterday! She, apparently, is really good at this shit. She had several games going on, none of which were humiliating. Well, my sister, brother, niece, and nephew (between the ages of 12-20) had a contest to drink koolaid out of a baby bottle and whoever did it the fastest won. Well, my brother & sister were at a huge disadvantage, since this was probably the very first bottle of their lives! My sister (13) choked at some point and then was crabby for about an hour. Of course, she had daily tantrums for the first 7 years of her life, so this was not a big deal.

OK, who showed up:
College Brother (20)
Youngest Sister (13)
Ruby, my 4-year-old niece & Star's favorite person in the whole world (but not Ruby's mom)
Nephew (15)
Niece (12)
Father-in Law
Greg's Uncle
Greg's Aunt
Mary (my MIL's best friend, who may as well be part of the family anyway)
Michele (one of my best friends from high school; I haven't seen her in 4 or 5 years!)
Pete, Michele's husband

I was kind of annoyed that no one got me stuff off my registry. But I can't be a total whiney bitch, since they are GIFTS! My mom quilted a baby blanket in different red, white, and blue fabrics. I almost cried when I opened it. Right there, here's a family heirloom that I can give to Falcon when he's an adult. I also got tons of clothes, from 0 up to 3T. 3T???? What the fuck!?!?!?! Well, that was a snowsuit from my mother-in-law. She's great about keeping us clothed (not just Falcon & Star, but Greg & me, as well). I have tons of towels, bottles, toys, books, blankets. All the small stuff. But I still need a carseat! Aaaaaaaa!

Well, my shower at work is coming up at some point. Last week, I stumbled over a meeting scheduled for my department and I didn't have it on my calendar. So, maybe that's it? I'm not sure. Of course, if everyone else covers the small stuff, then I can spend the $100 on a carseat and not freak out.

Oh, so I was in the middle of opening presents when Michele walked in. I have to tell you that we have been friends since we were 15, so 13 years now. We had a falling out when we were 21. We tried to resolve it when we were 24, but I don't think either one of us could put the hurt behind us. But we have been sending each other Christmas cards every year since then, not wanting to stop communication, just not knowing what to do. I think we were married in a past life, like I was her husband, because we are so drawn to one another, like we didn't have time in that past life to get through all of our passion. When we had our falling out, it was worse than any boyfriend breakup of my life. And I was still so madly in love with her. Not sexually, but emotionally. Jeez...I'm still madly in love with her. And I know it's reciprocated. We are drawn to each other and almost obsessed with each other. She has a great husband, which makes me feel better. Her parents were fucking shitty and I'm glad she found someone to take care of her emotionally. She saw how great my husband is and how awesome my step-daughter is. And how big my belly is. I think she wants kids really badly, but wants to lose some weight first. I think she probably also needs to not work 70 hours a week. Once you get pregnant, 40 hours a week is a stretch!!!

OK, I feel like I make no sense now, so maybe I should gather my thoughts and talk about Michele later.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga