Daily Log?

Sunday, Nov. 14, 2004
10:19 a.m.

OK, this is going to sound like a daily log of what I did. But, whatever...

On Friday night, Greg got his last paycheck from his old employer. It was over $200, since they didn't take out child support. Then he picked up Star and the two of them didn't get home until 7:45. Ugh! I guess that's what happens when that fat cunt lives so far away and it's Friday evening and it's raining. Yeah, you know. Still, Greg is so amazing...after running around for 2 and a half hours (after an regular workday), he still cooked us dinner...steak, corn, and mashed potatoes. How great is he?

On Saturday, we went to the bank to cash his check and then he took us out to breakfast. How weird that he was paying for once! Not that he doesn't pay for stuff, but he usually gives me the money and I handle all the banking shit (well, look how well THAT worked out...of course, it was all because of him that we got in the hole).

Then, we came home and cleaned like crazy. I had Star cleaning out weird white and black goop in the refrigerator. She's awesome! She loves to clean!!! So, I cleaned up & organized the dining room/office, since it looked like I created a paper explosion in here. Oh, and I was wondering why Comcast had still not sent us a bill! It was in a stack of papers and was due on 10/26/04! Whoops!!! Greg cleaned the kitchen floor and vacuumed the whole house. I made Star clean out the corner of the kitchen where the trash can is and was getting really gross (I guess Greg forgot that corner?), while I washed dishes, cleaned the stove, wiped down the walls, and made Jello. And then later, Star and I cleaned the bathroom. Trust me, it soooooo needed it. I made her clean the toilet and the mirror. Yeah!!! She got mad at me when I wouldn't let her sweep (the bathroom is NOT made to hold two people at once). Heeheehee!

After that, we went to Best Buy to return a modem we ended up not needing. Since it was past 30 days, all I got was store credit. I guess it's OK...I will end up using it really soon, I'm sure. I mean, I may just end up getting CD's for Greg or something.

Then, we went to Babies R Us to return that stupid $50 pregnancy pillow. I think I used it about twice. It was just TOO BIG!!! I found that if I take another regular pillow and stick it between my legs, I'm more comfy than if I use the overpriced pregnancy pillow. So they credited that back to my credit card/checking account. Woohoo!

Then, on the way home, at around 2:30, we realized we were all hungry for lunch, so we stopped by the grocery store for a few things:
-deli ham
-swiss cheese
-sourdough bread
-decaf coffeee (I have been craving coffee sooooo bad)
-sweet milk for Greg's coffee
-Gogurts for Star
-eggs, because I could kill for some deviled eggs!!!

We came home and Greg made us grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. Yum!!!!!

Later, Greg and I laid down in bed and tried to get Star to nap with us, but she didn't want to. At some point, Greg and I fell asleep and Star was amazing. She played in her room, with her toys, quietly, for over an hour!!! For a kid who needs CONSTANT interaction, that was a huge step!

Oh, and while she was playing, it had gotten dark, so she had the light in her room on, but our room was dark, and both doors were open, so she could have walked in at any time. Greg was soooo bad! He cuddled up behind me, started humping me, then his hand was in my pants, then he was pulling down my pants. And the next thing I knew, we were fucking...as quietly as possible and listening for her every move!!! I guess if she walked in, she wouldn't have seen anything, because we were covered with blankets and we would have just looked like we were cuddling. But it felt soooo bad...almost like when I was 15 and my parents were home and I was fucking Matt! OMG!!!

We eventually got up and Greg made us dinner again. Well, I placed a call to Pizza Hut, but he paid! Oh, but the delivery driver was a fucking moron and had to call me twice to get directions. Once he found the place & was walking up to our door, I could tell he was a total fucking junkie! He looked so strung out...I hate that look!!!!

After dinner, I made coffee for the adults and hot chocolate for Star. Yum.

When we went to put her to bed, I noticed she had put away her Barbie house and all of her Barbies without us even asking!!! Oh my fucking God!!! How great is that?!?!?!?! Sometimes she does things that are so awesome!!!

Oh, and yesterday afternoon, Falcon kicked me in the ribs while I was lying in bed. It was soooo uncomfortable!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga