Fat Girl Clothes

Sunday, Oct. 24, 2004
3:47 p.m.

I did make it back to sleep last night. Around 4:45, I was shivering (in my summer nightgown) and my eyelids were getting heavy. I crawled back into bed, cuddled up against Greg to get warm, and fell back to sleep.

I woke up around nine because I really really had to go #2 and I could just not hold it any longer. I've noticed with pregnancy, I'm way more regular than I've been ever. But I always need to have my morning poop. If that poop doesn't happen, it's a very very very bad day.

I cuddled with Greg some more and Falcon did somersaults...I mean, I think that's what they are, because I feel him near the bottom and near the top at the same time and it feels like my belly goes "floop". These were against Daddy's face while Daddy was talking to him. He likes Greg's voice better than mine, I think. Probably because he can hear it better.

I'm so chilly right now, but I cannot bring myself to turn on the heat. First of all, I'll feel like a pussy who can't handle a little bit of chilly-ness. And secondly, as soon as I turn it on, I know I'll get hot. You know, being pregnant and all.

Several years ago, between about three and five years ago, I was quite a bit heavier than I am now. I lost about 50 pounds or so from three years ago until about a year ago. But I hung onto those fat girl clothes...to remind myself never to get that big again, to never be in the horrible life situation I was in then. Now those fat girl clothes work really well as maternity clothes!!! Well, the shirts are still a little too big, but the pants are PERFECT! I'm wearing fatty sweatpants today and I love them...they are so comfy! Dude, and it turns out most of my sweatshirts and sweaters fit now, too, since I never wore them skin-tight. I mean, how comfortable is a skin-tight sweatshirt? Ugh. I don't think these will last until I'm due, but they should last for the next month or so.

Yesterday, Greg and I got new shoes. He got a pair of boots and a black pair of tennis shoes. Boring. I got new tennies, too, because my old ones smelled like stinky feet (I wonder why?); my new ones are pink and grey. Plus, I got a pair of black and a pair of brown suede slip-on men's shoes. I've always had wide feet, but I think they're now uber-wide. So, men's shoes fit a lot better. I don't really give a fuck what they look like; I just needed something to wear in the winter besides tennis shoes! I also bought Star a pair of tennis shoes that look a lot like mine and they're pink, white, and blue. Yeah.

Hmmmmm, I have to pee. Again.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga