Friday Five

Friday, May. 16, 2003
6:30 p.m.

1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.? Oh, it so doesn't matter!

2. What are your favorite flavor of chips? Cheddar & sour cream

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most? Of all the things I can cook? I think that's about 12 things! But I like my cobbler the best.

4. How do you have your eggs? Hard scrambled

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out? Greg cooked pot roast last night & it was very tasty!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga