The Boss

Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003
9:03 p.m.

Ahhhhhh. I hadn't really spoken to Beth in a couple of days. But while Greg & I were eating dinner, she called my cell phone. I called her back once we got home & she and I just got done chatting. I told her about the clementines. And she thought it was cute, too. And then we just chitchatted, talking about work, marriage, babies. I told her what I want for my deliveries. Look at me, I'm not even pregnant, but I already know what I want my labor & delivery to be! Hahahaha! Anyway, she said, "If that's what you want, then you should do it!" Like, in a nice & positive way. Here's what I want, by the way: have the baby either at home or in a birthing center (probably a birthing center) & I want a midwife, not a doctor. And I want to deliver in one of those big know, the mom sits there & the baby is born underwater. That's what I want!!! I also want it to be drug-free, well at least epidural-free. But I'm not sure how much I will be able to take, pain-wise. If it comes to the point where I want an epidural, I'm not going to be stoic...I'm going to scream for that goddamn epidural!!!

Nikki, Michi, and I had HIPAA training this afternoon. And it was a session that had been previously tape-recorded. And it was the best HIPAA session ever! We laughed the whole fucking time! Plus, Lora was there, too, so the 4 of us together was just too funny. So here's the best part...folks in the other session asked questons and made comments & they were sooooo fucking funny, based upon who the people are! Like, Mean Fattie asked 3 questions and she just kept talking...that's so HER. And then we heard our boss's voice and she antagonized and almost argued with the lecturer. It was so funny, because that's SO my boss!

OK, here's the deal with The Boss. She expects a lot from her employees and if you pull your weight, she is a wonderful boss. If you're stupid or lazy, she treats you almost with contempt (which I respect!). A lot of people in the company don't like her, because she's so intimidating. But I love her. I adore her. But that may be because I know what I'm doing and I actually work. Her employees (all 7 of us) really like her. She runs a department of 7 people with 7 very different, very specialized jobs. We are all hand-picked from other places in the company. So, in my opinion, just BEING in the department is worth a lot! But she goes to bat for all of us...she supports our opinions & decisions. She also challenges everyone. So you have to know what you're talking about to go head to head with her! Since we come from such diverse places in the company and have such diverse job duties, she relies on our experience and expertise. OK, enough about The Boss. Just know that I adore her and I respect her. A lot.

Oh! And The Boss told me I got kudos from the V.P. today. Woohoo! V.P. is very nice & approachable and is friends with The Boss, so it wasn't totally out of the question to hear that, but it was nice, nonetheless.

One more note...I just submitted a banner. I made it using Paint, of all programs! That cracks me up! Here's what it looks like:

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga