
Monday, Aug. 26, 2002
8:06 p.m.

When I got home from work today, Trashed was home & his friend, Tim, was over. Tim watched while Trashed played some stupid WWII flying game (doesn't he realize the REAL reason for a computer is to communicate, not to play games?!?!?! apparently not!) & then watched while I checked my e-mail. I had, like 40, cause I forwarded myself all this crap from work. Having Tim sitting next to me felt...weird. He was flirting, but in a super-subtle way. Like, I didn't even notice it at first. And then it hit me: This guy wants to sleep with me! And this was all right in front of Trashed, who NEVER picks up on this shit. Either that, or he knows I'll do whatever I want to do anyway, so he just lets anything happen. What do I do with this knowledge now? Oh, wait, I know...let's do this in true mystical fashion: everyone get drunk together & I propose either a girlfriend swap or a foursome! URGH...I'm not so sure about that this time! Everything just got waaaaay too fucking weird the last time...there are just too many people with too many feelings involved.

Work was okay today. I didn't wear high-heeled sandals today (like I did 2 days last week...dumbass) because I realized I walk when I lecture. Who knew? I'm SUCH a walker!!! I can't just sit still while I'm teaching something! We managed to get into F*****, finally, and covered the entire Provider Block (Prac, PG, & Fac). I gave them one easy worksheet, which they aced, and one tough worksheet with trick questions (written by my predecessor, Mike...I'm not about thinking up trick questions). They had problems with the trick questions...but it gave them a taste of real-life scenarios. So that was good.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga