Thinking about the Baby

Monday, Dec. 13, 2004
7:34 p.m.

I've forgotten to talk about some things in here.

On Friday evening, when I got home from work, I had the worst backache of my life. I couldn't tell if I should blame my desk chair at work or if these were Braxton-Hicks' in my back. I was posterior and put my mom through rather painful labor, so I'm sure my son will do the same for me. My back hurt so much I couldn't sit down. I could just stand and look like a dumbass. And I was getting bad cankles, so I really wanted to sit down! Finally, I took a bath for about 45 minutes. For the first 20, I just laid in the tub, motionless. It felt so wonderful and amazing. Then I turned and laid on my side, in the tub. I've never done that before, I've never even thought of it before. But it felt GREAT! Then Star came upstairs and really wanted to get into the bath with me. In fact, she "accidentally" got her tights wet so that she could take them off. And while she was at it, she just had to take off ALL of her clothes! And since she was naked, shouldn't she get in the bath with mommy? I love her way of thinking!

I've also noticed in the past 4 or 5 days that the fingers in my right hand go numb several times a day. It's really bad when I'm sufing the net with my hand on the mouse. But it also happens when I'm in bed, reading a book and trying to hold the book in my right hand. It really happens when I have my hand above the level of my heart for more than 60 seconds or so. But it's not that debilitating tingly shit like when you sleep on your hand and you wake up in the middle of the night and you can't move it. Nope, I can still use my hand, it doesn't feel BAD, it just falls asleep a little bit.

I'm still having trouble with both arms falling asleep while I'm asleep. I wake up about 4 AM and both arms hurt and I just want to lay on my back so the blood can start flowing again. But laying on my back is so uncomfortable. Not only do I snore horribly, but now it feels like I've got a 100-pound concrete weight on my stomach that's being kept in place only by my weak stomach muscles. I'm so surprised that I can feel this baby putting on weight. Like, it's noticeable; how strange! Oh, I've added another pillow under my head and that more propped-up position is really helping reduce the amount of snoring. Or so I'm told. I've found an extremely comfortable way to sleep. It's on my left side, turned into the bed, bottom leg straight and top leg bent and supported by an extra pillow. I can't always do it, though, because Greg likes to sleep reallyclosetome duing the night. I love the cuddling, but I wish I could also kick that one leg out.

Oh! I feel like such a retardo lately! Like, scatterbrained and unable to make a decision. Greg is putting up with it very well (I guess he would...he was married to this for 7 years!). He was funny this evening..."You feel how Stupid Trainer must feel every day". Heeheehee!

Check this out. I am totally ready for Christmas. Yeah! I sent out about 75 Christmas cards, between work & non-work. I'm totally done shopping for everyone (although I am waiting for 2 boxes to come in with stuff for Star). Greg & I still have to buy our gift for ourselves (a scanner/printer), but that's not a super-huge deal. We could do that AFTER Christmas. This evening, I have been wrapping lots of presents. Since I'm the gift card queen, I've really just been wrapping for Star, Ruby, Falcon, and the dogs.

Here are some thing I got for Star:

Fisher Price kitchen (just like the one at Miss Nikki's house!)
velcro food
play pots & pans
more play food
fisher price doctor kit (also on eBay, but it was over 60 days ago!)
craft supplies

I'm trying to not go overboard, because I know all 3 sets of grandparents (between me & Greg) will get her lots of stuff, too!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga