We love to eat

Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004
12:01 p.m.

I've noticed that when Greg & I go somewhere, we always want to try yummy foods.

On Saturday, we took Star to the Maryland State Fair. Altogether, we had: lemonade, fudge, turkey leg (Greg), hamburger, french fries, corn on the cob, elephant ear AND funnel cake, ice cream, milkshake. I think that's all. We also saw some newborn piglets suckling, to which Star said, "They're drinking milk from their mommy." Star seems very interested in breastfeeding, since we talked about what the baby will eat after s/he is born. I think she's one of those people who will always be obsessed with breasts because she didn't get enough nursing time when she was a baby. I feel sorry for her, but I guess there's not a lot I can do. She hasn't said it, but I think Star wants to breastfeed from me. I'm pretty sure her other mom won't be breastfeeding (she's due in October), because the whole boob thing seems to be very me-specific. I wonder what goes on in her head..

Anyway, back to the subject at hand: yesterday, Greg and I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. If you live in or near Maryland, you must go there!!! The year I was 21, I went about every other week. Now I go about twice a year. (Oh, it's open from last August until mid-October.) So, while we were there, we had: soup in a bread bowl (my most favorite food in the whole world almost), jalopeno poppers, fried mushrooms, cobbler (peach for Greg, blackberry for me), turkey wrap, crab cake sandwich with fries, cinnamon-roasted almonds, cheese cake on a stick, mead (Greg, not me, sadly enough), cookies & milk (Greg won these at a knife-throwing contest). I think that's all. We caught a few shows: a fire juggling guy, a sword-swallower, The Rogues (celtic music), and Hack & Slash (which is Greg's favorite group). Plus, Greg boob-watched and I belly-watched. There were so many pregnant women there!!! Most were more pregnant than me, but there were a few who looked like they were also due in January or so. I noticed all pregnant women belly-watch. And so do moms with very young babies. I found a lot of moms with two- and three- month old babies looking at my belly (and probably trying to guess when I'm due!). It's so funny!!! Since Greg is always on the lookout for pretty breasts, I've taken to looking for nursing breasts. You know, those HUGE ones and there's a baby in a sling. Aren't I weird now?

Last week, Greg & I bought a new computer! Yaaaaay! So, on Saturday, I should be getting the internet (as well as cable TV) hooked up. My next entry may be from home! Hooray! I haven't had internet at home for several months now!!! Then, I can bore you with daily pregnancy stories. YES!!!!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga