Greg's Dreams

Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003
11:43 a.m.

What an odd morning. I have spent all morning writing a new transplant policy. Transplants. Taking an organ from one person's body & sticking it in another's body. Why does that strike me as so odd? It seems so futuristic and so barbaric at the same time! (I think I've been reading too much Sheri Tepper lately.) And how strangely end-of-a-chain-of-events my job has seemed this morning. Someone thought, "Hey, we should try a transplant" and it worked and then health insurance came along. And then it changed and HMO's sprouted up. And eventually, it all led to me writing a new policy on transplants. Uh. This is far too compartmented, closed in. What happened to the hunter-gatherer society?

I've also had a very short temper this morning. Well, internally, at least. I'm having trouble even listening to people--it's like nails on a chalkboard. There are a few managers here that I have no respect for & I know they are complete morons. And this morning, by the copier, one opened her mouth. And I wanted to sock it to her, right between the eyes! All because she said, "The old copier used to be broke every day." OK, it's broken, not broke!!! Broke is when you have no money; I seriously doubt the old copier had a checking account or any spare change lying around. Broken is when something is not working properly. DUH!!!!!!!!! She's so stupid. And she's a manager. What the fuck?!?!?!

Greg said he dreamed of me all last night. "What about, exactly?" I inquired. "Our life together. Us in the future. You helping our 6-year-old son with his homework." AWWWWWWW!!! (Pardon me while I vomit in the trashcan.) Sometimes, though, he endures an entire night of sex dreams about me. Endures, enjoys, whatever. And it's always nice to hear about those in the morn! Plus, we often end up acting them out, but that's another story altogether.

Greg & I stayed awake last night until almost 2 AM, talking. It was the serious sort of "what's wrong with America's economy" speech, his getting paranoid about having jealous feelings EVER, me lecturing him about how all feelings are valid, and me ONCE AGAIN realizing that not everyone has a hippie-dippy mom like I do. (Man, my mom kicks ass!!!)

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga