Couple Friends

Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002
7:38 p.m.

I've found that since I've grown up (and become an adult?) that friends want to be friends on "couple" terms. Meaning, four different individuals have to get along in order for the friendship to work...well, at least in order for "hanging out" or "going out" to work. I've noticed this with 2 couples lately:

Two weeks ago, when my energy for being friends with Michelle grinded to a standstill, Frank was rather upset with me. Like, I MUST get along with her in order for her, him, Trashed, & me to be able to hang out or go out to bars. Frank made some comment that they had no other laid-back "couple friends" like us & that we needed to stay friendly with them so that they would have a social life! So, since I really have no energy to remain friends with such an emotionally high-maintenance woman like Michelle, the "couples social scene" has fallen apart. Instance #2: this past week, Trashed ran into this guy he worked with several years ago, Tim. Tim stopped by after work one day last week & I got to meet him, we chatted, etc. Then, on Saturday evening, Tim and his girlfriend, Kathy, swung by our house. Kathy is awesome--so NOT like I expected--she's actually someone I approve of. Anyway, now that Tim has seen that all four of us get along, he will not SHUT UP about all of us going to the ocean in a few weeks (off season=lower prices!). I'm all for going, but it almost feels like they have no other "couple friends."

What is this "couple friends" shit??? It feels very strange & weird to me. I like being friends with Frank (and we've stayed friends at work), but I can't handle all these other people being added to the mix! What happened to one-on-one friendships? I have none outside of work!!!

The only couple both Trashed & I really get along with are Stacy & Brantley, because Stacy & I have history outside of their relationship, and Trashed & Brant are brothers. So, the girls would have been friends outside of any coupledom and the boys are brothers forever.

Often, these "couple friends" seem so forced!!! It's so exhausting! I just want my own friends!!!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

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