Tired Parents

Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005
3:35 p.m.

Last night, Falcon was so needy and wanted to nurse almost constantly. Thankfully, I've been able to find a position where I can nurse AND fall back to sleep. I take my comforter and scrunch it up under my elbow to support my baby arm. And I have 3 huge pillows propped up against our headboard. When I wake up to nurse him, I sit up to get him going, then I lean back and slowly sliiiiiiide back to a comfy sleep-inducing position. The only drawback is that my PJ bottoms keep riding up my butt crack! So, he fell asleep several times at the breast and stirred an hour or so later. Sometimes, he needed to be latched on again. But some other times, he just needed to snuggle in and sleep. He didn't really want to sleep next to me for most of the night, either...he wanted to sleep on top of me. He's still small enough that I can put him on my chest and fall right back to sleep!

So, Greg and I both woke up every time Falcon got fussy. And though we were both able to fall back to sleep, the constant interruptions made us tired this morning.

Star is here this weekend and she sleeps on the floor next to our bed. Thank goodness she sleeps through baby cries! So, she is a happy kid today...not cranky like the rest of us!

Earlier, Greg let me nap with Falcon and I think I slept for about 2 hours. Now, Greg is napping with him.

And Star is watching a cartoon. She was painting earlier...that's her new thing. Painting in those paint books. Oh, and reading all of Falcon's books. Baby books are super-interesting to her right now! She has been sooooo good for me this afternoon. Of course, I started off with letting her cut up paper into little bits on the dining room floor. Throw scissors and paper into the mix and any pre-schooler will be happy! She was so good about cleaning it up, too. She has been doing quite well since Falcon showed up. I think both she and Odin needed to not be the baby anymore!

Oh, a couple things about Star's other house:
1. They must not do anything with wet towels over there. She left her wet towel on her bed and this is about the third time she has done it. When I asked her to do something with it, she threw it on the floow in the bathroom. Oh, poor little kid!!! Later, I asked her very nicely (since it was right after my nap) to hang it on a doorknob, since she can't read any of the hooks or towel bars.
2. Her grandmother, who lives with her, must be incontinent! Greg discovered today that she put toilet paper in her underwear. When Greg asked her why, she said that her grandmother put paper in her underwear in case she peed herself and that Star liked to mimic her. How funny is that??? I mean, not that this lady in incontinent...and jeez, she is YOUNG to be peeing herself! She's only in her early 50's! But that Star discovered Grandma's secret and wants to mimic it!!! AND mimic it at Daddy's house! Hahahahaha!

I really need to wake up Falcon soon. My boobs are very tingly and full!

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga