5 AM

Sunday, Mar. 06, 2005
8:58 p.m.

My son thinks 5 AM is an appropriate time to wake up. Well, he doesn't necessarily need to be awake, but he either wants to be up or he wants to be fussy and nurse for 90+ minutes. It's my choice. I've found that letting him be awake for a couple hours is actually better for my sanity. Except for the first few days of his life, I have been unable to fall asleep while nursing him in bed. And it only worked then because I was so freakin exhausted and was catching up from the sleep I lost while in labor for four fucking days. So the past three days, I have been awake at 5 AM. And eventually I can get him back to sleep. But it's so boring to be awake while it's still dark out. I can't read, we have no TV in our bedroom. I feel bad about waking up Greg to keep me company. So I have left the room all 3 days and gone into Star's room, turned the light on, let Falcon lay on the floor and look around until he gets fussy. Then eventually nurse and rock him back to sleep. I'm really tired right now. I didn't nap with him today...I tried to, but I just could not fall asleep. What the fuck?

My MIL brought over a bouncy chair last night. I was a little perturbed because I thought they were "evil". Greg put him in it this morning and he was OK for about 3 whole seconds. Then I walked into the room and he heard my voice and he wanted his mommy. That's right, boy! You let dad know you think it's dumb, too! Well, later on, when I couldn't nap and Greg was napping (have I told you how jealous I am over this man's sleeping patterns?), I wanted to get some chores done. So he was quiet alert and I was like, "Yeah, I can get something done!" I stuck him in the evil chair in the kitchen, on the floor, facing me, while I washed dishes. He was such a happy boy for about 10 minutes! Of course, I talked to him the whole time. He likes when I talk to him. It keeps him happy. So now I think the chair is only semi-evil...it sure makes it much easier to do chores. I mean, I love the sling and all, but it's impossible to do dishes with it on and a baby in the front, unless you want to smack your child into the counter every 2 seconds. Yeah.

I have never been so thirsty in my life. I am always so parched! I get tongue-tied. When I speak, I sound like I have dry mouth. I read about how breastfeeding makes you thirsty, but this is out of control!!!

Have I mentioned that I'm glad I'm not pregnant anymore? Things I do not miss about being pregnant:
1. Swollen ankles and calves.
2. Peeing all the damn time. (Now I only pee 4-5 times a day and it feels like NEVER!)
3. Sleeping only on the right side or the left side. (I've laid on my belly since I gave birth, but it's still not totally comfy, since I still do have a little belly...oh, and stitches, too!)
4. Snoring.
5. Being hot all the time.
6. Perineal massage.
7. Feeling nervous about impending labor.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga