
Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005
6:01 p.m.

This morning, I had my 38-week midwife appointment. There's not a lot of exciting stuff to report. Mainly:
1. I gained 2 pounds in the past week!
2. Babe has dropped & is engaged.
3. Baby still feels "not too big" (which I take to mean he's about 7-8 pounds right now) and I have a lot of amniotic fluid. She said there will be a "big gush" when I deliver!

Once I got in to work, we had a department meeting. And...too was scheduled for 10:30 because The Boss wanted to give me time to get in. Anyway, our entire department has been yanked in to pay claims. Not a big surprise...the inventory is over 80,000, so I think we all knew it was coming sooner or later. The hourly folks were offered the cool deal the claims staff got. Nikki detailed it in her entry. Since I'm salary, it doesn't apply to me. But I only have 8 more days in the office, so anything I do is really considered a bonus. Today, I managed to pay 125 claims in 5 hours. Not too bad, but not great. Years ago, I used to pump claims out...but now I think I over-analyze everything. But this will be a nice respite to all the normal bullshit of work. I don't mind paying claims every now and then.

Once we got out of the meeting, I called Greg and he was like, "It sure is snowing." What? I looked out the window (and, mind you, my desk is RIGHT NEXT TO a window) and yep, he was right. How did I miss that?!?!?!?! The ground had already been covered! Everyone stayed at the office all day, no one really left early except for Stupid Trainer (but she's just a dumb bitch). I left around 4 and the worst part of driving home was getting out of the office complex...none of the fucking streets were plowed! And I was driving my little Civic. On snow. So, there I was, trying to guess which gear would make the car take off...first gear, second gear, first gear, OK niiiiice. Then again, first gear, second gear, third gear?, oh hell I just want to keep moving! Oh, and Other Smart Trainer and Hot Cindy are so mother-y to me. HC was going to walk outside to my car with me to "make sure I didn't fall down" and then OST was like, "Make sure you go outside with Misty. She might slip and fall." Those two are sooo cute!!! So HC stood by my car while I cleaned it off, even though she was kind of mad that I was cleaning my own car. I should have let her do it. Right.

past - future

Miss One?

Moving On - Wednesday, Sept. 05, 2007
I remembered my password - Friday, Jul. 20, 2007
I need someone - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
I miss him - Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006
Possibly the worst weekend of my life? - Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006

baby gaga